An infinite plane sheet of charge having uniform surface charge density +σsC/m2 is placed on x-y plane. Another infinitely long line charge having uniform linear charge density +λeC/m is placed at z = 4 m plane and parallel to y-axis. If the magnitude values |σs|=2|λe| then at point (0, 0, 2), the ratio of magnitudes of electric field values due to sheet charge to that of line charge is πn:1. The value of n is____________.

                                                      JEE -2024
An infinite plane sheet of charge having uniform surface charge density + σ s C / m 2 is placed on x-y plane. Another infinitely long line charge having uniform linear charge density + λ e C / m is placed at z = 4 m plane and parallel to y-axis. If the magnitude values | σ s | = 2 | λ e | then at point (0, 0, 2), the ratio of magnitudes of electric field values due to sheet charge to that of line charge is π √ n : 1 . The value of n is____________. JEE -2024

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