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For which one of the following Bohr model is not valid? (1) Hydrogen atom (2) Singly ionised helium atom (He+) (3) Deuteron atom (4) Singly ionised neon atom (Ne+)

Question. For which one of the following Bohr model is not valid?

(1) Hydrogen atom

(2) Singly ionised helium atom (He+)

(3) Deuteron atom

(4) Singly ionised neon atom (Ne+)                                                                (NEET-2020)



Aditya Bhatt Answered question 19 February 2024
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NTA Solutions (4):-

Bohr model is only valid for single electron species. A singly ionized neon atom has more than one electron in orbit. Hence, the Bohr model is not valid.

Aditya Bhatt Edited answer 19 February 2024
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