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Bhautik Study

A bob is whirled in a horizontal plane by means of a string with an initial speed of ω  rpm. The tension in the string is T. If speed becomes 2 ω while keeping the same radius, the tension in the string becomes : 
(1) T 
(2) 4T 
(3)  T/ 4
(4)  √ 2 T            Q.3 A bob is whirled in a horizontal plane by means of a string with an initial speed of ω  rpm. The tension in the string is T. If speed becomes 2 ω while keeping the same radius, the tension in the string becomes : 

(1) T 

(2) 4T 

(3)  T/ 4

(4)  √ 2 T                                                                                          (NEET-2024)

Aditya Bhatt Changed status to publish 22 August 2024
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