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ToggleClass 9 science CH-2 is matter around us pure NCERT solutions
Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions The Class 9 Science Chapter 2 NCERT answers are all available here. This solution includes all of the material covered in Class 9’s Chapter 2: Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions of Science, including questions, answers, illustrations, and step-by-step instructions. If you are a ninth-grade student studying science using the NCERT Textbook, you have probably encountered Chapter 1: Matter in Our Surroundings. You should be searching for the solutions to the questions after studying the lecture. All of the Class 9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions are available right here. You should also refer to the Science class notes for Chapter 2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions for a deeper understanding of this chapter.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Matter in our surroundings Chapter 1 Intext Questions
Class 9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions
Question 1
What is meant by a pure substance?

Question 2
List the points of differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Class 9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions
Question 1
Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures with examples.

Question 2
How are sol, solution and suspension different from each other?

Question 3
To make a saturated solution, 36 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 100 g of water at 293 K. Find its concentration at this temperature.

Class 9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions
Question 1
Classify the following as chemical or physical changes:
- cutting of trees
- melting of butter in a pan
- rusting of almirah
- boiling of water to form steam
- passing of electric current through water and the water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen
- dissolving common salt in water
- making a fruit salad with raw fruits
- burning of paper and wood

Question 2
Try segregating the things around you as pure substances or mixtures.

Class9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us pure Exercise Questions (Textbook Chapter End Questions)
Class 9 Ch-2 Is Matter around us Pure NCERT Solutions
Question 1
Which separation techniques will you apply for the separation of the following?
(a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water.
(b) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing sodium chloride and ammonium chloride.
(c) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car.
(d) Different pigments from an extract of flower petals.
(e) Butter from curd.
(f) Oil from water.
(g) Tea leaves from tea.
(h) Iron pins,from sand.
(i) Wheat grains from husk.
(j) Fine mud particles suspended in water.

Question 2
Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve, soluble, insoluble, filtrate and residue.

Question 3
Pragya tested the solubility of three different substances at different temperatures and collected, the data as given below (results are given in the following table, as grams of substance dissolved in 100 grams of water to form a saturated solution).

(a) What mass of potassium nitrate would be needed to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50 grams of water at 313 K?
(b) Pragya makes a saturated solution of potassium chloride in water at 353 K and leaves the solution to coo! at room temperature. What would she observe us the solution cools? Explain.
(c) Find the solubility of each salt at 293 K. Which salt has the highest solubility at this temperature?
(d) What is the effect of change of temperature on the solubility of a salt?

Question 4
Explain the following giving examples.
- Saturated solution
- Pure substance
- Colloid :
- Suspension

Question 5
Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures:
Soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea.

Question 6
How would you confirm that a colourless liquid given to you is pure water?

Question 7
Which of the following materials fall in the category of a “pure substance”?
(a) Ice,
(b) Milk,
(c) Iron,
(d) Hydroelectric acid,
(e) Calcium oxide,
(f) Mercury,
(g) Brick,
(h) Wood,
(i) Air

Question 8
Identify the solutions among the following mixtures.
(a) Soil
(b) Seawater
(c) Air
(d) Coal
(e) Soda water

Question 9
Which of the following will show Tyndall effect?
(a) Salt solution
(b) Milk
(c) Copper Sulphate solution
(d) Starch solution

Question 10
Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures.
(a) Sodium,
(b) soil,
(c) sugar solution,
(d) silver,
(e) calcium carbonate,
(f) tin,
(g) silicon,
(h) coal,
(i) air,
(j) soap,
(k) methane,
(I) carbon dioxide,
(m) blood

Question 11
Which of the following are chemical changes?
(a) Growth of a plant
(b) Rusting of iron
(c) Mixing of iron filings and sand
(d) Cooking of food
(e) Digestion of food
(f) Freezing of water
(g) Burning of a candle

NCERT Solutions
Detailed Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 2
Looking for effective solutions for NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 2? You’re in the right place! This section contains exercise questions from the chapter “Is Matter Around Us Pure?” along with thorough solutions that clarify concepts by Bhautik Study. From distinguishing mixtures to exploring states of matter, we’ve made understanding easy.
Explore the key concepts of matter through engaging exercise questions tailored for thorough understanding and application of Chapter 2. Dive in now!
Challenge yourself with chapter-end questions that enhance your comprehension from identifying mixtures to understanding the properties of different solutions.