Class-12 PHYSICS Ch-7 (Alternating Current) Topic Covered -Latest CBSE syllabus 2023-2024 -Introduction -Phasor Diagram for Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, LCR -Average
Tag: Physics
Class-12 Ch-2 Electric Potential and Capacitance
Class-12 PHYSICS Ch-2 Electric Potential and Capacitance Topic Covered -Latest CBSE syllabus 2023-2024 -Electric Potential Energy, Electric Potential -Potential Gradient
Class-12 Ch-8 Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Waves class 12 notes (Free) Ch-7 Electromagnetic Waves Topic Covered –Latest CBSE syllabus 2023-2024 -Introduction, Maxwell Displacement Current -Maxwell
Class-11th Physics Ch-5 (Work Energy and Power)
Work Energy and Power class 11 Topic Covered -Introduction, Vectors, Dot Product, Cross Product -Work done -Work Energy Theorem by
Class-11th Physics Ch-4 (Laws of Motion)
Class 11 Physics Laws of Motion notes Laws of Motion Class 11 Notes Class 11 CBSE Ch-4 Laws of Motion Topic