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Bhautik Study

In a Screw Gauge the fifth division of the circular scale coincides with the reference line when the ratchet is closed

Q. In a Screw Gauge the fifth division of the circular scale coincides with the reference line when the ratchet is closed. There are 50 divisions on the circular scale and the main scale moves by 0.5 mm on a complete rotation. For a particular observation, the reading on the main scale is 5 mm and the 20th division of the circular scale coincides with the reference line. Calculate the true reading.

(1) 5.00 mm

(2) 5.25 mm

(3) 5.15 mm

(4) 5.20 mm                    (JEE-2021)

Aditya Bhatt Answered question 30 January 2024
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